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Defining and customising how record comparisons are madeΒΆ

A key feature of Splink is the ability to customise how record comparisons are made - that is, how similarity is defined for different data types. For example, the definition of similarity that is appropriate for a date of birth field is different than for a first name field.

By tailoring the definitions of similarity, linking models are more effectively able to distinguish between different gradations of similarity, leading to more accurate data linking models.

Note that for performance reasons, Splink requires the user to define n discrete levels (gradations) of similarity.

Comparing informationΒΆ

Comparisons are defined on pairwise record comparisons. Suppose for instance your data contains first_name and surname and dob:

id first_name surname dob
1 john smith 1991-04-11
2 jon smith 1991-04-17
3 john smyth 1991-04-11

To compare these records, at the blocking stage, Splink will set these records against each other in a table of pairwise record comparisons:

id_l id_r first_name_l first_name_r surname_l surname_r dob_l dob_r
1 2 john jon smith smith 1991-04-11 1991-04-17
1 3 john john smith smyth 1991-04-11 1991-04-11
2 3 jon john smith smyth 1991-04-17 1991-04-11

When defining comparisons, we are defining rules that operate on each row of this latter table of pairwise comparisons

Comparisons, ComparisonTemplates and ComparisonLevelsΒΆ

A Splink model contains a collection of Comparisons and ComparisonLevels organised in a hierarchy. An example is as follows:

Data Linking Model
β”œβ”€-- Comparison: Date of birth
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Exact match
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Up to one character difference
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Up to three character difference
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: All other
β”œβ”€-- Comparison: Name
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Exact match on first name and surname
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Exact match on first name
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- etc.

A fuller description of Comaprisons and ComparisonLevels can be found here and here respectively.

How are these comparisons specified?

Three ways of specifying ComparisonsΒΆ

In Splink, there are three ways of specifying Comparisons:

  • Using pre-baked comparisons from a backend's ComparisonLibrary or ComparisonTemplateLibrary. (Most simple/succinct)
  • Composing pre-defined ComparisonLevels from a backend's ComparisonLevelLibrary
  • Writing a full spec of a Comparison by hand (most verbose/flexible)

Method 1: Using the ComparisonLibraryΒΆ

The ComparisonLibrary for a each backend (DuckDB, Spark, etc.) contains pre-baked similarity functions that cover many common use cases.

These functions generate an entire Comparison, composed of several ComparisonLevels

The following provides an example of using the ComparisonLibrary for DuckDB.

import splink.duckdb.comparison_library as cl

first_name_comparison = cl.exact_match("first_name")
Comparison 'Exact match vs. anything else' of "first_name".
Similarity is assessed using the following ComparisonLevels:
    - 'Null' with SQL rule: "first_name_l" IS NULL OR "first_name_r" IS NULL
    - 'Exact match' with SQL rule: "first_name_l" = "first_name_r"
    - 'All other comparisons' with SQL rule: ELSE

Note that, under the hood, these functions generate a Python dictionary, which conforms to the underlying .json specification of a model:

{'output_column_name': 'first_name',
 'comparison_levels': [{'sql_condition': '"first_name_l" IS NULL OR "first_name_r" IS NULL',
   'label_for_charts': 'Null',
   'is_null_level': True},
  {'sql_condition': '"first_name_l" = "first_name_r"',
   'label_for_charts': 'Exact match'},
  {'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'}],
 'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. anything else'}

We can now generate a second, more complex comparison:

import splink.duckdb.comparison_library as cl

dob_comparison = cl.levenshtein_at_thresholds("dob", [1, 2])
Comparison 'Exact match vs. Dob within levenshtein thresholds 1, 2 vs. anything else' of "dob".
Similarity is assessed using the following ComparisonLevels:
    - 'Null' with SQL rule: "dob_l" IS NULL OR "dob_r" IS NULL
    - 'Exact match' with SQL rule: "dob_l" = "dob_r"
    - 'Levenshtein <= 1' with SQL rule: levenshtein("dob_l", "dob_r") <= 1
    - 'Levenshtein <= 2' with SQL rule: levenshtein("dob_l", "dob_r") <= 2
    - 'All other comparisons' with SQL rule: ELSE

These Comparisons can be specified in a data linking model as follows:

settings = {
    "link_type": "dedupe_only",
    "blocking_rules_to_generate_predictions": [
        "l.first_name = r.first_name",
        "l.surname = r.surname",
    "comparisons": [
        levenshtein_at_thresholds("dob", [1, 2]),

Method 2: Using the ComparisonTemplateLibraryΒΆ

The ComparisonTemplateLibrary is very similar to ComparisonLibrary in that it contains pre-baked similarity functions for each backend (DuckDB, Spark, etc.) to cover common use cases.

The key difference is that ComparisonTemplateLibrary contains functions to generate a 'best practice' Comparison based on the type of data in a given column. This includes:

  • How comparison is structured (what comparison levels are included, and in what order)
  • Default parameters (e.g. damerau_levenshtein_thresholds = [1])

The following provides an example of using the ComparisonTemplateLibrary for DuckDB.

import splink.duckdb.comparison_template_library as ctl

date_of_birth_comparison = ctl.date_comparison("date_of_birth")
Comparison 'Exact match vs. Date_Of_Birth within damerau-levenshtein threshold 1 vs. Dates within the following thresholds Month(s): 1, Year(s): 1, Year(s): 10 vs. anything else' of "date_of_birth".
Similarity is assessed using the following ComparisonLevels:
    - 'Null' with SQL rule: "date_of_birth_l" IS NULL OR "date_of_birth_r" IS NULL
    - 'Exact match' with SQL rule: "date_of_birth_l" = "date_of_birth_r"
    - 'Damerau_levenshtein <= 1' with SQL rule: damerau_levenshtein("date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r") <= 1
    - 'Within 1 month' with SQL rule: 
            abs(date_diff('month', "date_of_birth_l",
              "date_of_birth_r")) <= 1

    - 'Within 1 year' with SQL rule: 
            abs(date_diff('year', "date_of_birth_l",
              "date_of_birth_r")) <= 1

    - 'Within 10 years' with SQL rule: 
            abs(date_diff('year', "date_of_birth_l",
              "date_of_birth_r")) <= 10

    - 'All other comparisons' with SQL rule: ELSE

These Comparisons can be specified in a data linking model as follows:

settings = {
    "link_type": "dedupe_only",
    "blocking_rules_to_generate_predictions": [
        "l.first_name = r.first_name",
        "l.surname = r.surname",
    "comparisons": [

You can customise a ComparisonTemplate by choosing your own values for the function parameters, but for anything more bespoke you will want to construct a Comparison with ComparisonLevels or provide the spec as a dictionary.

For a deep dive on Comparison Templates, see the dedicated topic guide.

Method 3: ComparisonLevelsΒΆ

The ComparisonLevels API provides a lower-level API that gives the user greater control over their comparisons.

For example, the user may wish to specify a comparison that has levels for a match on dmetaphone and jaro_winkler of the first_name field.

The below example assumes the user has derived a column dmeta_first_name which contains the dmetaphone of the first name.

import splink.spark.comparison_level_library as cll

comparison_first_name = {
    "output_column_name": "first_name",
    "comparison_description": "First name jaro dmeta",
    "comparison_levels": [
        cll.exact_match_level("first_name", term_frequency_adjustments=True),
        cll.exact_match_level("dmeta_first_name", term_frequency_adjustments=True),

from splink.comparison import Comparison

Comparison 'First name jaro dmeta' of `first_name` and `dmeta_first_name`.
Similarity is assessed using the following ComparisonLevels:
    - 'Null' with SQL rule: `first_name_l` IS NULL OR `first_name_r` IS NULL
    - 'Exact match' with SQL rule: `first_name_l` = `first_name_r`
    - 'Exact match' with SQL rule: `dmeta_first_name_l` = `dmeta_first_name_r`
    - 'All other comparisons' with SQL rule: ELSE

This can now be specified in the settings dictionary as follows:

import splink.spark.comparison_library as cl

settings = {
    "link_type": "dedupe_only",
    "blocking_rules_to_generate_predictions": [
        "l.first_name = r.first_name",
        "l.surname = r.surname",
    "comparisons": [
        comparison_first_name,  # The comparison specified above using ComparisonLevels
            "dob", [1, 2], term_frequency_adjustments=True
        ),  # From comparison_library

Method 4: Providing the spec as a dictionaryΒΆ

Ultimately, comparisons are specified as a dictionary which conforms to the formal jsonschema specification of the settings dictionary and here.

The library functions described above are convenience functions that provide a shorthand way to produce valid dictionaries.

For maximium control over your settings, you can specify your comparisons as a dictionary.

comparison_first_name = {
    "output_column_name": "first_name",
    "comparison_description": "First name jaro dmeta",
    "comparison_levels": [
            "sql_condition": "first_name_l IS NULL OR first_name_r IS NULL",
            "label_for_charts": "Null",
            "is_null_level": True,
            "sql_condition": "first_name_l = first_name_r",
            "label_for_charts": "Exact match",
            "tf_adjustment_column": "first_name",
            "tf_adjustment_weight": 1.0,
            "tf_minimum_u_value": 0.001,
            "sql_condition": "dmeta_first_name_l = dmeta_first_name_r",
            "label_for_charts": "Exact match",
            "tf_adjustment_column": "dmeta_first_name",
            "tf_adjustment_weight": 1.0,
            "sql_condition": "jaro_winkler_sim(first_name_l, first_name_r) > 0.8",
            "label_for_charts": "Exact match",
            "tf_adjustment_column": "first_name",
            "tf_adjustment_weight": 0.5,
            "tf_minimum_u_value": 0.001,
        {"sql_condition": "ELSE", "label_for_charts": "All other comparisons"},

settings = {
    "link_type": "dedupe_only",
    "blocking_rules_to_generate_predictions": [
        "l.first_name = r.first_name",
        "l.surname = r.surname",
    "comparisons": [
        comparison_first_name,  # The comparison specified above using the dict
            "dob", [1, 2], term_frequency_adjustments=True
        ),  # From comparison_library


Below are some examples of how you can define the same comparison, but through different methods.

Note: the following examples show working code for duckdb. In order to change to Where functions exist

Exact match Comparison with Term-Frequency AdjustmentsΒΆ

import splink.duckdb.comparison_library as cl

first_name_comparison = cl.exact_match("first_name", term_frequency_adjustments=True)
import splink.duckdb.comparison_level_library as cll

first_name_comparison = {
    "output_column_name": "first_name",
    "comparison_description": "Exact match vs. anything else",
    "comparison_levels": [
        cll.exact_match_level("first_name", term_frequency_adjustments=True),
first_name_comparison = {
    'output_column_name': 'first_name',
    'comparison_levels': [
            'sql_condition': '"first_name_l" IS NULL OR "first_name_r" IS NULL',
            'label_for_charts': 'Null',
            'is_null_level': True
            'sql_condition': '"first_name_l" = "first_name_r"',
            'label_for_charts': 'Exact match',
            'tf_adjustment_column': 'first_name',
            'tf_adjustment_weight': 1.0
            'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 
            'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
    'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. anything else'

Each of which gives

    'output_column_name': 'first_name',
    'comparison_levels': [
            'sql_condition': '"first_name_l" IS NULL OR "first_name_r" IS NULL',
            'label_for_charts': 'Null',
            'is_null_level': True
            'sql_condition': '"first_name_l" = "first_name_r"',
            'label_for_charts': 'Exact match',
            'tf_adjustment_column': 'first_name',
            'tf_adjustment_weight': 1.0
            'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 
            'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
    'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. anything else'
in your settings dictionary.

Name ComparisonΒΆ

import splink.duckdb.comparison_template_library as ctl

surname_comparison = ctl.name_comparison("surname")
import splink.duckdb.comparison_level_library as cll

    surname_comparison = {
        "output_column_name": "surname",
        "comparison_description": "Exact match vs. Surname within jaro_winkler thresholds 0.95, 0.88 vs. anything else",
        "comparison_levels": [
            cll.damerau_levenshtein_level("surname", 1)
            cll.jaro_winkler_level("surname", 0.9),
            cll.jaro_winkler_level("surname", 0.8),
surname_comparison = {
    'output_column_name': 'surname',
    'comparison_levels': [
            'sql_condition': '"surname_l" IS NULL OR "surname_r" IS NULL',
            'label_for_charts': 'Null',
            'is_null_level': True
            'sql_condition': '"surname_l" = "surname_r"',
            'label_for_charts': 'Exact match'
            'sql_condition': 'damerau_levenshtein("surname_l", "surname_r") <= 1',
            'label_for_charts': 'Damerau_levenshtein <= 1'
            'sql_condition': 'jaro_winkler_similarity("surname_l", "surname_r") >= 0.9',
            'label_for_charts': 'Jaro_winkler_similarity >= 0.9'
            'sql_condition': 'jaro_winkler_similarity("surname_l", "surname_r") >= 0.8',
            'label_for_charts': 'Jaro_winkler_similarity >= 0.8'
            'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
         'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. Surname within levenshtein threshold 1 vs. Surname within damerau-levenshtein threshold 1 vs. Surname within jaro_winkler thresholds 0.9, 0.8 vs. anything else'

Each of which gives

        'output_column_name': 'surname',
        'comparison_levels': [
                'sql_condition': '"surname_l" IS NULL OR "surname_r" IS NULL',
                'label_for_charts': 'Null',
                'is_null_level': True
                'sql_condition': '"surname_l" = "surname_r"',
                'label_for_charts': 'Exact match'
                'sql_condition': 'damerau_levenshtein("surname_l", "surname_r") <= 1',
                'label_for_charts': 'Damerau_levenshtein <= 1'
                'sql_condition': 'jaro_winkler_similarity("surname_l", "surname_r") >= 0.9',
                'label_for_charts': 'Jaro_winkler_similarity >= 0.9'
                'sql_condition': 'jaro_winkler_similarity("surname_l", "surname_r") >= 0.8',
                'label_for_charts': 'Jaro_winkler_similarity >= 0.8'
                'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
             'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. Surname within levenshtein threshold 1 vs. Surname within damerau-levenshtein threshold 1 vs. Surname within jaro_winkler thresholds 0.9, 0.8 vs. anything else'
in your settings dictionary.

Levenshtein ComparisonΒΆ

import splink.duckdb.comparison_library as cl

email_comparison = cl.levenshtein_at_thresholds("email", [2, 4])
import splink.duckdb.comparison_level_library as cll

email_comparison = {
    "output_column_name": "email",
    "comparison_description": "Exact match vs. Email within levenshtein thresholds 2, 4 vs. anything else",
    "comparison_levels": [
        cll.levenshtein_level("surname", 2),
        cll.levenshtein_level("surname", 4),
email_comparison = {
    'output_column_name': 'email',
    'comparison_levels': [{'sql_condition': '"email_l" IS NULL OR "email_r" IS NULL',
    'label_for_charts': 'Null',
    'is_null_level': True},
        'sql_condition': '"email_l" = "email_r"',
        'label_for_charts': 'Exact match'
        'sql_condition': 'levenshtein("email_l", "email_r") <= 2',
        'label_for_charts': 'Levenshtein <= 2'
        'sql_condition': 'levenshtein("email_l", "email_r") <= 4',
        'label_for_charts': 'Levenshtein <= 4'
        'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 
        'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
    'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. Email within levenshtein thresholds 2, 4 vs. anything else'}

Each of which gives

    'output_column_name': 'email',
    'comparison_levels': [
            'sql_condition': '"email_l" IS NULL OR "email_r" IS NULL',
            'label_for_charts': 'Null',
            'is_null_level': True},
            'sql_condition': '"email_l" = "email_r"',
            'label_for_charts': 'Exact match'
            'sql_condition': 'levenshtein("email_l", "email_r") <= 2',
            'label_for_charts': 'Levenshtein <= 2'
            'sql_condition': 'levenshtein("email_l", "email_r") <= 4',
            'label_for_charts': 'Levenshtein <= 4'
            'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 
            'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
    'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. Email within levenshtein thresholds 2, 4 vs. anything else'

in your settings dictionary.

Date ComparisonΒΆ

import splink.duckdb.comparison_template_library as ctl

dob_comparison = ctl.date_comparison("date_of_birth")
import splink.duckdb.comparison_level_library as cll

dob_comparison = {
            "output_column_name": "date_of_birth",
            "comparison_description": "Exact match vs. Date_Of_Birth within levenshtein thresholds 1, 2 vs. Dates within the following thresholds Year(s): 1, Year(s): 10 vs. anything else",
            "comparison_levels": [
                cll.levenshtein_level("date_of_birth", 1),
                cll.levenshtein_level("date_of_birth", 2),
dob_comparison = {
    'output_column_name': 'date_of_birth',
    'comparison_levels': [
            'sql_condition': '"date_of_birth_l" IS NULL OR "date_of_birth_r" IS NULL',
            'label_for_charts': 'Null',
            'is_null_level': True
            'sql_condition': '"date_of_birth_l" = "date_of_birth_r"',
            'label_for_charts': 'Exact match'
            'sql_condition': 'levenshtein("date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r") <= 1',
        'label_for_charts': 'Levenshtein <= 1'
            'sql_condition': 'levenshtein("date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r") <= 2',
        'label_for_charts': 'Levenshtein <= 2'
            'sql_condition': 'abs(date_diff(\'year\', "date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r")) <= 1',
            'label_for_charts': 'Within 1 year'
            'sql_condition': 'abs(date_diff(\'year\', "date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r")) <= 10',
            'label_for_charts': 'Within 10 years'},
            'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
    'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. Date_Of_Birth within levenshtein thresholds 1, 2 vs. Dates within the following thresholds Year(s): 1, Year(s): 10 vs. anything else'

Each of which gives

        'output_column_name': 'date_of_birth',
        'comparison_levels': [
                'sql_condition': '"date_of_birth_l" IS NULL OR "date_of_birth_r" IS NULL',
                'label_for_charts': 'Null',
                'is_null_level': True
                'sql_condition': '"date_of_birth_l" = "date_of_birth_r"',
                'label_for_charts': 'Exact match'
                'sql_condition': 'levenshtein("date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r") <= 1',
            'label_for_charts': 'Levenshtein <= 1'
                'sql_condition': 'levenshtein("date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r") <= 2',
            'label_for_charts': 'Levenshtein <= 2'
                'sql_condition': 'abs(date_diff(\'year\', "date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r")) <= 1',
                'label_for_charts': 'Within 1 year'
                'sql_condition': 'abs(date_diff(\'year\', "date_of_birth_l", "date_of_birth_r")) <= 10',
                'label_for_charts': 'Within 10 years'},
                'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
        'comparison_description': 'Exact match vs. Date_Of_Birth within levenshtein thresholds 1, 2 vs. Dates within the following thresholds Year(s): 1, Year(s): 10 vs. anything else'
in your settings dictionary.

KM Distance between coordinatesΒΆ

import splink.duckdb.comparison_library as cl

distance_comparison = cl.distance_in_km_at_thresholds("lat_col",
                        km_thresholds = [0.1, 1, 10]
distance_comparison = {
                "output_column_name": "custom_lat_col_long_col",
                "comparison_description": "Km distance within the following thresholds Km threshold(s): 0.1, Km threshold(s): 1, Km threshold(s): 10 vs. anything else",
                "comparison_levels": [
distance_comparison = {
    'output_column_name': 'custom_lat_col_long_col',
    'comparison_levels': [
            'sql_condition': '(lat_col_l IS NULL OR lat_col_r IS NULL) \nOR (long_col_l IS NULL OR long_col_r IS NULL)',
            'label_for_charts': 'Null',
            'is_null_level': True
            'sql_condition': 'cast(acos(case when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) > 1 then 1 when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) < -1 then -1 else (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) end) * 6371 as float)<= 0.1',
            'label_for_charts': 'Distance less than 0.1km'
            'sql_condition': 'cast(acos(case when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) > 1 then 1 when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) < -1 then -1 else (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) end) * 6371 as float)<= 1',
            'label_for_charts': 'Distance less than 1km'
            'sql_condition': 'cast(acos(case when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) > 1 then 1 when ( sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) < -1 then -1 else (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) end) * 6371 as float)<= 10',
            'label_for_charts': 'Distance less than 10km'
            'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 
            'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
    'comparison_description': 'Km distance within the following thresholds Km threshold(s): 0.1, Km threshold(s): 1, Km threshold(s): 10 vs. anything else'

Each of which gives

        'output_column_name': 'custom_lat_col_long_col',
        'comparison_levels': [
                'sql_condition': '(lat_col_l IS NULL OR lat_col_r IS NULL) \nOR (long_col_l IS NULL OR long_col_r IS NULL)',
                'label_for_charts': 'Null',
                'is_null_level': True
                'sql_condition': 'cast(acos(case when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) > 1 then 1 when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) < -1 then -1 else (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) end) * 6371 as float)<= 0.1',
                'label_for_charts': 'Distance less than 0.1km'
                'sql_condition': 'cast(acos(case when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) > 1 then 1 when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) < -1 then -1 else (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) end) * 6371 as float)<= 1',
                'label_for_charts': 'Distance less than 1km'
                'sql_condition': 'cast(acos(case when (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) > 1 then 1 when ( sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) < -1 then -1 else (sin( radians("lat_col_l") ) * sin( radians("lat_col_r") ) + cos( radians("lat_col_l") ) * cos( radians("lat_col_r") ) * cos( radians("long_col_r" - "long_col_l") )) end) * 6371 as float)<= 10',
                'label_for_charts': 'Distance less than 10km'
                'sql_condition': 'ELSE', 
                'label_for_charts': 'All other comparisons'
        'comparison_description': 'Km distance within the following thresholds Km threshold(s): 0.1, Km threshold(s): 1, Km threshold(s): 10 vs. anything else'