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Comparison and ComparisonLevelsΒΆ

Comparing informationΒΆ

To find matching records, Splink creates pairwise record comparisons from the input records, and scores these comparisons.

Suppose for instance your data contains first_name and surname and dob:

id first_name surname dob
1 john smith 1991-04-11
2 jon smith 1991-04-17
3 john smyth 1991-04-11

To compare these records, at the blocking stage, Splink will set these records against each other in a table of pairwise record comparisons:

id_l id_r first_name_l first_name_r surname_l surname_r dob_l dob_r
1 2 john jon smith smith 1991-04-11 1991-04-17
1 3 john john smith smyth 1991-04-11 1991-04-11
2 3 jon john smith smyth 1991-04-17 1991-04-11

When defining comparisons, we are defining rules that operate on each row of this latter table of pairwise comparisons

Defining similarityΒΆ

How how should we assess similarity between the records?

In Splink, we will use different measures of similarity for different columns in the data, and then combine these measures to get an overall similarity score. But the most appropriate definition of similarity will differ between columns.

For example, two surnames that differ by a single character would usually be considered to be similar. But a one character difference in a 'gender' field encoded as M or F is not similar at all!

To allow for this, Splink uses the concepts of Comparisons and ComparisonLevels. Each Comparison usually measures the similarity of a single column in the data, and each Comparison is made up of one or more ComparisonLevels.

Within each Comparison are n discrete ComparisonLevels. Each ComparisonLevel defines a discrete gradation (category) of similarity within a Comparison. There can be as many ComparisonLevels as you want. For example:

Data Linking Model
β”œβ”€-- Comparison: Gender
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Exact match
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: All other
β”œβ”€-- Comparison: First name
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Exact match on surname
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: surnames have JaroWinklerSimilarity > 0.95
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: All other

The categories are discrete rather than continuous for performance reasons - so for instance, a ComparisonLevel may be defined as jaro winkler similarity between > 0.95, as opposed to using the Jaro-Winkler score as a continuous measure directly.

It is up to the user to decide how best to define similarity for the different columns (fields) in their data, and this is a key part of modelling a record linkage problem.

A much more detailed of how this works can be found in this series of interactive tutorials - refer in particular to computing the Fellegi Sunter model.

An example:ΒΆ

The concepts of Comparisons and ComparisonLevels are best explained using an example.

Consider the following simple data linkage model with only two columns (in a real example there would usually be more):

Data Linking Model
β”œβ”€-- Comparison: Date of birth
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Exact match
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: One character difference
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: All other
β”œβ”€-- Comparison: First name
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: Exact match on first_name
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: first_names have JaroWinklerSimilarity > 0.95
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: first_names have JaroWinklerSimilarity > 0.8
β”‚    β”œβ”€-- ComparisonLevel: All other

In this model we have two Comparisons: one for date of birth and one for first name:

For data of birth, we have chosen three discrete ComparisonLevels to measure similarity. Either the dates of birth are an exact match, they differ by one character, or they are different in some other way.

For first name, we have chosen four discrete ComparisonLevels to measure similarity. Either the first names are an exact match, they have a JaroWinkler similarity of greater than 0.95, they have a JaroWinkler similarity of greater than 0.8, or they are different in some other way.

Note that these definitions are mutually exclusive, because they're implemented by Splink like an if statement. For example, for first name, the Comparison is equivalent to the following pseudocode:

if first_name_l_ == first_name_r:
    return "Assign to category: Exact match"
elif JaroWinklerSimilarity(first_name_l_, first_name_r) > 0.95:
    return "Assign to category: JaroWinklerSimilarity > 0.95"
elif JaroWinklerSimilarity(first_name_l_, first_name_r) > 0.8:
    return "Assign to category: JaroWinklerSimilarity > 0.8"
    return "Assign to category: All other"

In the next section, we will see how to define these Comparisons and ComparisonLevels in Splink.