Comparison playground
Comparison values¶
Run the following cell to get an interactive interface for trying out comparisons from the comparison_library
The interface uses the default arguments for each comparison, and can only be used for comparisons that refer to a single column
In the following cells, you can get similar results for custom comparisons with an arbitrary number of input columns.
import splink.comparison_library as cl
from splink.internals.testing import comparison_vector_value, is_in_level
from splink import DuckDBAPI
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import Markdown
def report_comparison_levels(comparison, values_dict, column_name):
db_api = DuckDBAPI()
levels = comparison.create_comparison_levels()
comparison_dict = comparison.get_comparison("duckdb").as_dict()
table_rows = []
table_rows.append("| Match | Level | Description | SQL Condition |")
total_levels = len(levels)
matched_level = None
for i, level in enumerate(levels):
level_number = total_levels - i - 1
label = level.create_label_for_charts()
sql_condition = comparison_dict['comparison_levels'][i]['sql_condition']
is_match = is_in_level(level, values_dict, db_api)
if is_match and matched_level is None:
matched_level = level_number
match_indicator = "✓"
row = f"| {match_indicator} | **{level_number}** | **{label}** | `{sql_condition}` |"
match_indicator = ""
row = f"| {match_indicator} | {level_number} | {label} | `{sql_condition}` |"
markdown_output = "\n".join(table_rows)
return markdown_output
def create_comparison_playground(column_name):
comparison_types = [
'ExactMatch', 'LevenshteinAtThresholds', 'JaroAtThresholds',
'JaroWinklerAtThresholds', 'DamerauLevenshteinAtThresholds',
'ArrayIntersectAtSizes', 'DateOfBirthComparison',
'NameComparison', 'PostcodeComparison'
default_values = {
'ExactMatch': ('john', 'jon'),
'LevenshteinAtThresholds': ('smith', 'smyth'),
'JaroAtThresholds': ('martha', 'matha'),
'JaroWinklerAtThresholds': ('williams', 'willaims'),
'DamerauLevenshteinAtThresholds': ('receive', 'recieve'),
'CosineSimilarityAtThresholds': ('data science', 'science data'),
'JaccardAtThresholds': ('0123456789', '012345678'),
'AbsoluteDateDifferenceAtThresholds': ('2023-01-01', '2023-01-15'),
'ArrayIntersectAtSizes': ('apple,banana,cherry', 'banana,cherry,date'),
'DateOfBirthComparison': ('1990-05-15', '1990-05-16'),
'EmailComparison': ('', ''),
'NameComparison': ('Elizabeth', 'Elisabeth'),
'PostcodeComparison': ('SW1A 1AA', 'SW1A 1AB')
db_api = DuckDBAPI()
docstrings = {}
for comp_type in comparison_types:
class_obj = getattr(cl, comp_type)
init_doc = getattr(class_obj.__init__, '__doc__', None)
docstrings[comp_type] = init_doc if init_doc else class_obj.__doc__
def get_comparison(comp_type):
if comp_type in ['DateOfBirthComparison']:
return getattr(cl, comp_type)(column_name, input_is_string=True)
if comp_type == 'AbsoluteDateDifferenceAtThresholds':
return getattr(cl, comp_type)(column_name, input_is_string=True, metrics=["day", "month"], thresholds=[1, 1])
elif comp_type in ['EmailComparison', 'ForenameSurnameComparison', 'NameComparison', 'PostcodeComparison', 'ArrayIntersectAtSizes']:
return getattr(cl, comp_type)(column_name)
return getattr(cl, comp_type)(column_name)
def run_comparison(change):
left_value = left_input.value if left_input.value != "" else None
right_value = right_input.value if right_input.value != "" else None
comparison = get_comparison(comparison_select.value)
if comparison_select.value == 'ArrayIntersectAtSizes':
left_value = left_value.split(',') if left_value else None
right_value = right_value.split(',') if right_value else None
values_dict = {f"{column_name}_l": left_value, f"{column_name}_r": right_value}
markdown_output = report_comparison_levels(comparison, values_dict, column_name)
with output:
display(Markdown("### Comparison levels:"))
docstring = docstrings.get(comparison_select.value, "No docstring available")
processed_docstring = "\n".join(line.strip() for line in docstring.split("\n"))
display(Markdown("### Comparison Function Docstring:"))
# Store the markdown output for later use
playground.markdown_output = markdown_output
def on_comparison_change(change):
new_value = change['new']
left_value, right_value = default_values.get(new_value, ('', ''))
# Temporarily unobserve the input widgets
left_input.unobserve(run_comparison, names='value')
right_input.unobserve(run_comparison, names='value')
# Update the values
left_input.value = left_value
right_input.value = right_value
# Re-observe the input widgets
left_input.observe(run_comparison, names='value')
right_input.observe(run_comparison, names='value')
# Run the comparison once after updating both inputs
comparison_select = widgets.Dropdown(
left_input = widgets.Text(description=f"{column_name} Left:", value=default_values['ExactMatch'][0])
right_input = widgets.Text(description=f"{column_name} Right:", value=default_values['ExactMatch'][1])
output = widgets.Output()
comparison_select.observe(on_comparison_change, names='value')
for widget in (comparison_select, left_input, right_input):
widget.observe(run_comparison, names='value')
# Call run_comparison immediately to compute initial output
playground = widgets.VBox([comparison_select, left_input, right_input, output])
return playground
playground = create_comparison_playground("column")
VBox(children=(Dropdown(description='Comparison:', options=('ExactMatch', 'LevenshteinAtThresholds', 'JaroAtTh…
import splink.comparison_level_library as cll
first_name_comparison = cl.CustomComparison(
"sql_condition": "first_name_l = surname_r",
"label_for_charts": "Match on reversed cols: first_name and surname",
cll.JaroWinklerLevel("first_name", 0.8),
# Need to be able to pass values in as a dict {"first_name_l": "Robin", "first_name_r": "Robyn", "surname_l": "Linacre", "surname_r": "Linacre"}
values = {
"first_name_l": "Robin",
"first_name_r": "Linacre",
"surname_l": "Linacre",
"surname_r": "Robin",
display(Markdown(report_comparison_levels(first_name_comparison, values, "first_name")))
Match | Level | Description | SQL Condition |
4 | first_name is NULL | "first_name_l" IS NULL OR "first_name_r" IS NULL |
3 | Exact match on first_name | "first_name_l" = "first_name_r" |
✓ | 2 | Match on reversed cols: first_name and surname | first_name_l = surname_r |
1 | Jaro-Winkler distance of first_name >= 0.8 | jaro_winkler_similarity("first_name_l", "first_name_r") >= 0.8 |
0 | All other comparisons | ELSE |