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This section contains reference material for the modules and functions within Splink.


The documentation for the Splink API is broken up into the following categories:

  • Linker API - for all of the methods that can be used with an instantiated Linker object.

  • Comparisons Library API - for methods that can be used to define Comparisons within a Splink Settings dictionary.

  • Blocking Rules Library API - for methods that can be used to define a Blocking Rule for use within a Splink Settings dictionary or in the expectation maximisation step.

  • EM Training Session API - for methods that be used to inspect the results of individual iterations of the Expectation Maximisation model training algorithm.

  • Splink Dataframe API - for methods that can be used to manipulate a SplinkDataFrame across all SQL backends.

  • Comparisons API - for reference material giving more explanation on the Comparison and ComparisonLevel objects within Splink.

Note: When building a Splink model, the Linker API and Comparisons Library API will be the most useful parts of the API documentation. The other sections are primarily for reference.

The Splink Charts Gallery contains examples for all of the interactive charts and dashboards that are provided in Splink to help the linking process.

In-built datasets¶

Information on pre-made data tables available within Splink suitable for linking, to get up-and-running or to try out ideas.

  • In-build datasets - information on included datasets, as well as how to use them, and methods for managing them.

Reference materials for the Splink Settings dictionary:

  • Settings Dictionary Reference - for reference material on the parameters available within a Splink Settings dictionary.

  • Interactive Settings Editor - for an interactive Settings editor, giving a hands-on sandbox to test out the Splink Settings dictionary. Including validation, autocomplete and autoformatting.