



To let you try out some of these ideas in practice, because I think that’s a good way to learn.


The data we use for practicing these techniques is the text in this guide, because I like pretentious self-reference in writing. Also because hopefully you’re familiar enough with the text to get a feel for the techniques in practice.

Data preparation

There is a data_preparation.R script, which gets the text from the guide and stores it in a usable format for the code.

For LSA in R

The data_preparation.R script is sourced at the beginning of the LSA.R script, which uses the clean_word_counts object it creates.

For LDA in R

The data_preparation.R script is sourced at the beginning of the LDA.R script, which uses the full_text and full_word_counts objects it creates.

For NN word vectors in Python

You need the sentences.csv file which data_preparation.R generates. This is included in this repo, but you may want to regenerate it.

You also need to go to

download some vectors of your choice (these files are large so it might take a while) and store them somewhere you can access. The code works by you writing in the appropriate filepath to access the vectors.

How do I run the code!?

Hopefully each piece of code is annotated so that you can run it. If not, or if something is insufficiently clear, please let me know.

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