2 Key RAP components in coding projects

The default position is that all MoJ coding projects should be done in a reproducible manner.

To be considered fully reproducible, an MoJ RAP project should include the components listed below. These are arranged in three levels to inform prioritisation. All MoJ coding projects, whether considered RAP or not, should at least include the level 1 components to be considered reproducible.

All MoJ coding projects should regardless of the level and in appropriate measure:

2.1 Level 1:

2.2 Level 2:

2.3 Level 3:

  1. So for a statistical publication the publication date could be the only argument in the function call that resides in a separate repository i.e. this not containing the package code. The publication date would be recorded together with associated dependencies (including their hash) and be version controlled via a GitHub release.↩︎

  2. Documentation that is integrated with the package functions in a standard format and is accessible in a standard way i.e. via ? and ??.↩︎