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This package is a wrapper for awswrangler that which presets/defines some of the input parameters to the athena module functions to align with our platform setup. See the awswrangler API reference documentation for Athena to see what functions you can call from pydbtools.

The function parameters that are locked down / altered by pydbtools are:

  • boto3_session: This is auto generated by pydbtools (in order to grab the user credentials from the sts client - this is needed for the R version of this package which calls this package under the hood. In short forcing refreshed credentials are needed in R as boto3 credentials timeout and do not refresh when using reticulate, though this does not apply to the latest version of the platform currently being rolled out.)

  • s3_output: The S3 path where database queries are written to. This is defined by pydbtools based on the IAM user/role calling the query (ensures that each role can only read/write to a S3 path only they can access).

  • database: Will either be set to None or __temp__ depending on other user parameters (if ctas_approach=True). __temp__ is an alias to an autogenerated temp database name which is generated from pydbtools again based on the IAM user/role. References to this temporary database can be referenced by the keyword __temp__ in SQL queries see additional functionality to awswrangler section.

  • sql: We allows reference to the database name __temp__ which is an alias to a user specific temporary database. When a function call has an SQL parameter the SQL is checked with an SQL parser and then any reference to __temp__ as a database is replaced with the actual database name which is autogenerated. This replacement only occurs for SELECT queries.

  • pyarrow_additional_kwargs: This is set to {"coerce_int96_timestamp_unit": "ms", "timestamp_as_object": True} by default. Doing this solves this awswrangler issue)


As well as acting as a wrapper function for awswrangler this package also allows you to do the following:

Run query and wait for a response

This function essentially calls two functions from awswrangler.athena. First start_query_execution followed by wait_query.

import pydbtools as pydb

response = pydb.start_query_execution_and_wait("SELECT * from a_database.table LIMIT 10")

Create Temporary Tables

You can use the create_temp_table function to write SQL to create a store a temporary table that sits in your __temp__ database.

import pydbtools as pydb

pydb.create_temp_table("SELECT * from a_database.table LIMIT 10", table_name="temp_table_1")
df = pydb.read_sql_query("SELECT * from __temp__.temp_table_1")

See the example notebook for a more detailed example.

Create databases and tables

import pydbtools as pydb
import pandas as pd

    "select * from my_db.my_other_table where month = 'March'",

See the notebook on MoJAP tools for more details.

Run SQL from a string of statements or a file

It wil often be more convenient to write your SQL in an editor with language support rather than as a Python string. You can create temporary tables within SQL using the syntax below.

import pydbtools as pydb

sql = """
create temp table A as (
    select * from database.table1
    where year = 2021

create temp table B as (
    select * from database.table2
    where amount > 10

select * from __temp__.A
left join __temp__.B
on =;

with open("queries.sql", "w") as f:

with open("queries.sql", "r") as f:
    df = pydb.read_sql_queries(

Multiple SELECT queries can be returned as a generator of dataframes using read_sql_queries_gen.

See the notebook on creating temporary tables with SQL and the notebook on database administration with SQL for more detailed examples.

Additionally you can use Jinja templating to inject arguments into your SQL.

sql_template = """
FROM {{ db_name }}.{{ table }}
sql = pydb.render_sql_template(sql_template, {"db_name": db_name, "table": "department"})

with open("tempfile.sql", "w") as f:
    f.write("SELECT * FROM {{ db_name }}.{{ table_name }}")
sql = pydb.get_sql_from_file("tempfile.sql", jinja_args={"db_name": db_name, "table_name": "department"})

See the notebook on SQL templating for more details.

Delete databases, tables and partitions together with the data on S3

import pydbtools as pydb

pydb.delete_partitions_and_data(database='my_database', table='my_table', expression='year = 2020 or year = 2021')
pydb.delete_table_and_data(database='my_database', table='my_table')

# These can be used for temporary databases and tables.
pydb.delete_table_and_data(database='__temp__', table='my_temp_table')

For more details see the notebook on deletions.



import pydbtools as pydb

# Run a query using pydbtools
response = pydb.start_query_execution_and_wait("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS my_test_database")

# Read data from an athena query directly into pandas
pydb.read_sql("SELECT * from a_database.table LIMIT 10")

# Create a temp table to do further seperate SQL queries later on
pydb.create_temp_table("SELECT a_col, count(*) as n FROM a_database.table GROUP BY a_col", table_name="temp_table_1")
df = pydb.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM __temp__.temp_table_1 WHERE n < 10")

More advanced usage

Get the actual name for your temp database, create your temp db then delete it using awswrangler (note: awswrangler will raise an error if the database does not exist)

import awswrangler as wr
import pydbtools as pydb

user_id, out_path = pydb.get_user_id_and_table_dir()
temp_db_name = pydb.get_database_name_from_userid(user_id)