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SQL render

get_sql_from_file(filepath, jinja_args=None, **kwargs)

Read in an SQL file and inject arguments with Jinja (if given params). Returns the SQL as a str.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str

A filepath to your SQL file.

jinja_args dict

If not None, will pass the read in SQL file through a jinja template to render the template. Otherwise will just return the SQL file as is. Defaults to None.


passed to the open() call.

Source code in pydbtools/
def get_sql_from_file(filepath: str, jinja_args: dict = None, **kwargs) -> str:
    Read in an SQL file and inject arguments with Jinja (if given params).
    Returns the SQL as a str.

        filepath (str): A filepath to your SQL file.
        jinja_args (dict, optional): If not None, will pass the read
            in SQL file through a jinja template to render the template.
            Otherwise will just return the SQL file as is. Defaults to None.
        kwargs: passed to the open() call.
    with open(filepath, **kwargs) as f:
        sql = "".join(f.readlines())
    if jinja_args:
        sql = render_sql_template(sql, jinja_args)
    return sql

render_sql_template(sql, jinja_args)

Takes a SQL file templated with Jinja and then injects arguments. Returns the injected SQL.


Name Type Description Default
sql_file str

Path to SQL file

args dict

Arguments that is referenced in the SQL file



Name Type Description
str str

SQL string that has args rendered into it

Source code in pydbtools/
def render_sql_template(sql: str, jinja_args: dict) -> str:
    Takes a SQL file templated with Jinja and then injects arguments.
    Returns the injected SQL.

        sql_file (str): Path to SQL file
        args (dict): Arguments that is referenced in the SQL file

        str: SQL string that has args rendered into it
    return Template(sql).render(**jinja_args)